Essential Oil Substitutions Guide


The Essential Oil Substitutions Guide is a comprehensive, 50+ page printable to help you choose safe, effective alternatives to nearly any essential oil.

Whenever a recipe calls for an essential oil you don’t have….

Whenever there’s an essential oil that you don’t really care for…

Whenever there’s an essential oil you know isn’t safe to use around your child, spouse, or pet…

…this guide is your comprehensive, ESSENTIAL solution.


How to use this Essential Oil Substitutions Guide?

Any time you don’t have an essential oil that’s called for in a recipe OR you want (or need) to avoid a particular essential oil, reach for this guide.

Look up the essential oil you want to substitute in the alphabetical list, then look at the other options listed based on your reasons for using the oil.

The guide lists multiple options for both aromatic and therapeutic substitutions and includes 125+ essential oils.

This guide is designed to help you choose the best essential oils for your specific needs, although specific safety information for each oil is not listed in this document. To look up oil-specific safety info, use the Essential Oil Binder.


This Guide contains the same information as the substitution charts in the comprehensive Essential Oil Binder.

This is a DIGITAL product. It will be delivered as a PDF via email, which can be downloaded and printed on either a home printer or at a print shop. Nothing will be shipped to you.

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